
Friday, February 8, 2019

My favourite and least favourite characters from The Canterbury Tales :: English Literature

My favourite and least favourite characters from The Canterbury TalesMy favourite character from Chaucers Canterbury Tales is the pass through.The Reeve comes across as a shady or dim character whosintentions are non fully recognised even when his prologue isfinished. We dont get too much somewhat his background but a lot on hisappearance and the room he works. We already know that he is the farmbailiff.His appearance already gave a gripping edge to his personality,His berd was shave as ny as invariably he kan His beard was shaved asclose as couldHis heer was by his eris ful round shorn His hair was trim back round hisearsHis top was dokked lyk a preest biforn. The top of his head was like apriestFul longe wre his legges and ful lene, He had real long and skinnylegsHis appearance gives the film of an almost evil lookingcharacter, with skinny, no calf legs and the phrase.. His berd wasshave as ny as ever he kan gave the embossment that he had a broken inlook to his face, a rough look which gives the impression that theothers on the pilgramge might have looked up to him not in a rolemodel way but rather a reverent and weary one. But then again he isgiven a holy like look as the top of his head is cut short like apriest giving the Reeve a holy look, which gives a clash of twoworlds, the holy and the dark rugged side of lifetime, but from examplesfrom The Summoner and The Monk, the chuchmen of the time were notsee as very respectful men either and some could say the dark worldwas the world of the holy. This rugged, dark and ominous look is oneof the things that makes me revere the Reeve, it is as if he is hidinghis own real feelings, opinions on life within himself and that hisface, this rough face is a mask hiding those feelings inner(a) of him.It is as if you need to crack him to find more from him and his facegives no answers aiding to that.He also has a very quick-witted and cunning temper which I admire in TheReeve.Wel koude he kepe a gerner a nd a binneTher was noonday auditour koude on him winne.He could keep a granary and a cornbin rise upNo auditor could catch him out.This shows that the reeve had a cunning edge, clever at his business andalso very stable in his job and with money as no accountant could ever

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