
Friday, December 27, 2019

Golf Psychology Essay - 976 Words

Many great golf players use golf psychology to help them win major tournaments. They knew they were very talented, but needed to score a little bit better and become more consistent to achieve an elite level. Buying more expensive equipment was not the secret and neither was practicing to the point of sheer exhaustion. It has to do with the proven scientific discipline of psychology and changing your way of thinking. It helps you over come the pressure associated with tournament play and coping with a constant barrage of questions from fans and the media. It only takes a short time to change your thinking so you can start winning. 2- When my golf game was not improving regardless of how much I practiced, I decided to use one of the golf†¦show more content†¦First of all, I was not preparing myself mentally before playing, and I kept losing focus throughout the game. I practiced the mend bending techniques presented and hoped I could use them in play. I was also not maximizing my practice sessions to the fullest potential. As I develop more confidence, I will improve my game and quit dwelling on the bad shots. Fretting about one missed shot can ruin an entire game of golf, and I was guilty of doing this. 5- It took a golf psychology book to teach me how to improve my own thinking which would lead to improving my golf game. When things start going terribly wrong on the course, you should never ever get depressed and down on yourself. You need to develop a mental image that envisions things going right. This imagery has much more power than you might think. It is along the same lines as the power of positive thinking which is a popular yet truthful catch phrase, especially on the golf course. Almost every successful pro prepares himself mentally for the game through this effective visualization technique. 6- A few years ago when my golf game was really suffering, I hired a swing coach to help me improve. He helped me go from a 38 handicap to a 17 handicap in 2 years, but I wanted to be even better. I attended a golf psychology seminar and bought the tapes and the book and I began to study and practice everything they talked about. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Economics And Its Interaction With Politics - 949 Words

I went in my masters program interested in economics and its interaction with politics, but once I took my first course in international affairs I knew the direction I wanted my studies and subsequent career to take. I was so invigorated by these classes that I not only took many of them, but also some multiple times including National Security Policy and Crisis Management. All of these classes reinforced the importance of international relations in my mind, particularly regarding interactions with non-state actors. I want to further strengthen my knowledge and capabilities in global policy research through a PhD in government with my focus being on international relations, specifically conflict. In addition to the aforementioned courses I took a number of classes that helped me to hone in on my underlying interest in many facets of international relations. In Political Sociology and the Global Economy I examined the rise of the global economy and its basis in earlier more localized efforts. I took part in fascinating discussions on what being a nation means in Social Movements, Protest and Change during the early days of the Arab Spring. I further developed these early interests at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs. Through Global Economic Policy I led a working group in our presentation of India/Brazil supposed intellectual property violations as if we were the WHO writing to the WTO. This experience examining from another’s perspective was compounded when I workedShow MoreRelatedAsfasf754 Words   |  4 Pagesgovernments have responded to economic issues. b. Analyze how technological innovation has affected economic development and society. c. Explain how interpretations of the Constitution and debates over rights, liberties, and definitions of citizenship have affected American values, politics, and society. d. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Constructing Powerful Scope Statements

Question: Discuss about the Constructing Powerful Scope Statements. Answer: It has been found that a majority of Engineering students find it challenging to get good jobs after college or through campus because of lack of understanding of how organizations work and what employers expect from them. There is a huge gap in what they are taught in colleges and what they are expected to learn for working in corporate. Employers feel that Engineering students are not prepared to take up jobs which are why companies need to spend significant time training them on professionalism and other job related aspects. If students already had some level of exposure to corporate or industry people then it would help them understand what they are expected out of by the employers. This would enhance their chances of getting jobs and at the same time would help organizations get more skilled employees even at entry level jobs. Engineers may also get direct projects from organizations in their final years that they can use to learn practical. To address these concerns and bridge the gap between engineering college outputs and the industry expectations, a leading industrial magazine in India plans to build an industry connect platform that can be used by Engineering students and the corporate employers to connect at one place. This project would help students get projects, internships, jobs, and general guidance on industry requirements for better career planning. The project would also involve others ways of establishing connection between students and corporate. This would be through direct college sessions taken by the magazine company calling employers and through the magazine content pages that would be used by students to ask career guidance questions to employers directly(Bright Hub Media, 2013). The Objectives of the project are: Events where industry people can meet each other as well as aspiring engineering students and employees Events would have seminars covering topics on latest technological developments, employment scenarios, and industry requirements. The traditional magazine run by the organization would have a section added for industry connect which would be used by engineering students and graduates to get answers to their professional or career related queries from the industry experts The project would also involve running of special industry connect program sessions in individual engineering colleges allowing students to meet the employers and industry experts in their colleges(Bright Hub Media, 2015). The scope of the project includes: Development of the plan for events, magazine content, and industry connect program sessions. Connect with employers and invite them to participate in industry connect events Connect with engineering students as well as working engineers and invite them to volunteer for or participate in industry connect events Make arrangements for industry connect events Make arrangements for industry connect program sessions to be conducted in Engineering colleges Plan and deliver content on the concept in the industrial magazine(PMI, 2015) The project would follow a timeline as follows: The project would begin on 20th Feb 2017 with the introduction of the program through the publication of relevant content in the magazine. For this, a new section called industry connect would be started in the next issue of the magazine in which the need for industry connect would be identified and at the same time, the coming event information would be share with the invitation for a reader. People from the industry would be invited to participate in the coming event along with the free magazine distribution to them by 25th Feb 2017. The free magazine distribution would create awareness in the industry about the magazine as well as about the event. With a free magazine bounded with the event invitation, there are significant chances of getting people interested into the events considering reciprocity. Colleges would be approached and advertisement for the events would be posted for students to read by 1st Mar 2017. The company would make use of notice boards in which the event and session programs would be posted with support from the college officials such that students can get the information about the coming events and do a registration considering the trust they have on college. Students registrations for the events would be taken by 10th Mar 2017. The registrations would be taken online through a website for free. First event would be conducted on 25th Mar 2017. The event would involve some seminars from industry experts on latest technological developments, career development options, and so on. The first industry connect session would be taken in the participating colleges by 1st Apr 2017. In this session, industry experts and employers would be called to deliver guest lectures and seminars for a set of college students from nearby close areas. 5 set of Engineering colleges would have the sessions conducted by 15th Apr 2017 and the feedback would be taken from students as well as employers to understand what they need and how they found the industry connect event was. The new issue would be published on 20th Apr with the coverage of events and sessions. The coverage of previous session would attract more and more readers to consider attending next event which would also be announced in the same issue of the magazine(Project Management Institute , 2000). The above sequence of activities would be carried out in every three months till 2 years and by the end of 2 years, the industry connect project aims to achieve a mark of 100 Engineering colleges and 1000 Companies participating in the events. Students are likely to get benefited by the project by enjoying the opportunity to learn from experts, talk to them in person, get their career related questions answered, seek approvals for projects or internships, get jobs and connect with fellow students from other colleges. Companies would get benefitted indirectly by giving away information about their skills related expectations from students such that the students would equip themselves better in future which would be useful for companies to make recruitment decisions and get good candidates for their jobs. The colleges participating in events and programs would gt benefits through improved placement in their college. Bibliography Bright Hub Media. (2013). 5 Leadership Secrets of Successful Project Managers. Retrieved from Bright Hub Project Management: https://www.brighthubpm.com/resource-management/122821-five-leadership-secrets-of-successful-project-managers/ Bright Hub Media. (2015). Constructing Powerful Scope Statements. Retrieved from Bright Hub Project Management: https://www.brighthubpm.com/project-planning/57950-example-and-evaluation-of-project-scope-statements/ PMI. (2015). Capturing the Value of PROJECT MANAGEMENT. PMI. Project Management Institute . (2000). A guide to the Project Management Book of Knowledge . Project Management Institute .

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Domination of Financial Accounting on Managerial Accounting Information

Article Summary The article by Halbouni and Hassan (2012) that is titled â€Å"The Domination of Financial Accounting on Managerial Accounting Information: An Empirical Investigation in the UAE† is devoted to the topic of the relationship between financial accounting (FA) and managerial accounting (MA).Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on The Domination of Financial Accounting on Managerial Accounting Information specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The authors describe the theoretical debate around this issue to determine the position of their paper. The primary goal of the authors is to explore the relationship between FA and MA as perceived by the UAE accountants. The specifics of the UAE business environment that the authors mentioned include the usage of IFRS and the rapid evolution in an outward-oriented system. The authors review prior literature (the debate over the topic that is described below). The y pay particular attention to the claim of MA dependence and FA dominance. They point out that the results are not positive for MA: its orientation grows short-term, which makes it less suitable for making decisions. The authors also point out that a number of empirical studies found no proof for this claim, but it is still rather persistent. The research of Halbouni and Hassan (2012) includes the results of a 29-question survey based on the study by Joseph et al. and distributed among 126 UAE companies in 2009. The survey was meant to determine the opinion of managerial and financial accountants on the issue of FA dominance; the usable number of questionnaires amounted to 89. Apart from that, the authors analyzed the context of the UAE business to define the influence that it exerts on the development and tendencies in the UAE accounting. They conclude that this context is more favorable towards FA, even though MA is also being developed. The results of the survey indicated that th e majority of the respondents appear to consider MA to be influenced by the requirements set for the FA. They also described earnings per share as the most important information for both internal and external accounting. Apart from that, they show that the influence of external auditors on the business is also significant. The respondents do not consider it to be a negative factor, though. At the same time, 56% of respondents tend to believe that MA is the primary source of managerial decisions. Besides, the majority of respondents (55%) tended to agree that MA fits the needs of management decision-making. The authors point out that the context of UAE (where FA importance is highlighted) could contribute to the perception of FA domination in the UAE. The authors conclude by the suggestion that future research should focus on the mutual influence of the two accounting types.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first pa per with 15% OFF Learn More Main Keywords The main keywords of the topic are, obviously, managerial (management) and financial accounting. The article is intended for a prepared reader, and the authors do not spell out these definitions. According to Heisinger (2008), FA is the type of accounting that focuses on â€Å"providing historical financial information to external users† (p. 7). This definition highlights the main differences between FA and MA: the latter is meant for internal users to facilitate the managerial decisions. The rest of the features of the phenomena result from this discrepancy of purpose. In fact, the two types of accounting can also be called internal and external, which describes their nature. Theoretical Debate Halbouni and Hassan (2012) refer to the theoretical debate that has been revolving around the topic. They point out that MA has been attracting more attention in scientific circles, which is explained by the changes in the modern busi ness environment. At the same time, they state that many researchers, who worked at the end of the previous century and the beginning of the new one, doubt the importance of MA. Halbouni and Hassan (2012) mention Bhimani, Anderson, Alam, Adler, and some others (p. 307). According to Halbouni and Hassan (2012), many of these doubts follow the claim of Johnson and Kaplan, according to which FA had a significant influence on MA. At the same time, this claim was also criticized (the authors mention Porter, Akers, Hopper, Scapens, and others). Halbouni and Hassan (2012) assume that the differences between the studies make it difficult to compare their results. Halbouni and Hassan (2012) enter this debate with the article, and they state its position very clearly, as it is demonstrated above. They point out that the paper was created in order to examine and review the claim of Johnson and Kaplan about the diminishing importance of MA. They hope to analyze it within the context of a develo ping country (the UAE). In the end, Halbouni and Hassan (2012) state that their paper proves this claim and contradicts the results of the studies by â€Å"Hopper et al., Joseph et al. and Scapens et al.† (p. 306). Indeed, as Halbouni and Hassan (2012) or Richardson (2002) point out, the scientists of the previous century doubted in the significance of MA. In the new century, however, the suggestion of integrating the two types of accounting is being advocated, for example, in Jermakowicz and Gornik-Tomaszewski (2006) or Taipaleenmà ¤ki and Ikà ¤heimo (2013). Hemmer and Labro (2008) insist that the two phenomena are closely interrelated and demonstrate the utilization of an integrated system for better managerial decisions. The work of Montondon and Butler (2011) consists of an attempt at integrating the two phenomena by using them both for a strategic plan during a case study. The tendency is not all-encompassing. For example, Pilcher and Dean (2009) point out that the int roduction of international accounting standards influences the managerial practices in a negative way making them downplayed.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on The Domination of Financial Accounting on Managerial Accounting Information specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The modern studies that are mentioned above tend to claim that academic literature draws too harsh a line between MA and FA; for example, see Hemmer and Labro (2008). Indeed, in modern accounting academic literature, FA and MA are often described in contrast, which could be explained by the needs of the students. For example, the works by Needles, Powers, and Crosson (2013), as well as Heisinger (2008), mostly focus on contrasting MA and FA. At the same time, Griffin (2009) describes accounting as a system that consists of the two elements. Similarly, Needles and Crosson (2010), point out that MA and FA are â€Å"closely interrelated† (p. 737). In other words, it may be suggested that nowadays the tendency towards integrating the two types of accounting can be seen. Impact and the Outcomes for the UAE The study of Halbouni and Hassan (2012) is devoted to the perception of FA donation in UAE, which is why the results of the article are of particular importance for the country. The article demonstrates that at least 50% of the respondents (who are supposed to be knowledgeable in this respect) consider MA to be of vast importance for the company’s decision-making. This fact contradicts to the lack of MA encouragement in the UAE that Halbouni and Hassan (2012) describe. From the analysis of the relevant theoretical debate, it follows that the two types of accounting are mutually interconnected and can be integrated for the benefit of a company. Halbouni and Hassan (2012) state that FA domination leads to MA neglect in the UAE. From the article, it follows that more attention should be paid to the development of M A and its practices in the UAE on the business and government levels. References Griffin, M. (2009). MBA Fundamentals. New York: Kaplan Publishing. Halbouni, S. S., Hassan, M. K. (2012). The domination of financial accounting on managerial accounting information. International Journal of Commerce And Management, 22(4), 306-327. doi:10.1108/10569211211284502 Heisinger, K. (2008). Introduction to managerial accounting. Boston, Mass.: Houghton Mifflin.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Hemmer, T., Labro, E. (2008). On the Optimal Relation between the Properties of Managerial and Financial Reporting Systems. Journal of Accounting Research, 46(5), 1209-1240. doi:10.1111/j.1475-679x.2008.00303.x Jermakowicz, E., Gornik-Tomaszewski, S. (2006). Implementing IFRS from the perspective of EU publicly traded companies. Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, 15(2), 170-196. doi:10.1016/j.intaccaudtax.2006.08.003 Montondon, L. M., Butler, J. B. (2011). Water world instructional case: integrating financial and managerial accounting with strategic planning. Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies, 17(3), 91-99. Web. Needles, B., Crosson, S. (2010). Managerial accounting. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin. Needles, B., Powers, M., Crosson, S. (2013). Financial and managerial accounting (10th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. Pilcher, R., Dean, G. (2009). Implementing IFRS in local government: value adding or additional pain? Qualitative Res earch in Accounting Management, 6(3), 180-196. doi:10.1108/11766090910973920 Richardson, A. J. (2002). Professional dominance: The relationship between financial accounting and managerial accounting, 1926-1986. The Accounting Historians Journal, 29(2), 91-121. Web. Taipaleenmà ¤ki, J., Ikà ¤heimo, S. (2013). On the convergence of management accounting and financial accounting – the role of information technology in accounting change. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 14(4), 321-348. doi:10.1016/j.accinf.2013.09.003 This case study on The Domination of Financial Accounting on Managerial Accounting Information was written and submitted by user Aubrey Goff to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.